Using old art for a new painting

Sometimes while trying to create art I get so overwhelmed with trying to be correct and guessing what art collectors might be interested in.

I’m slowly trying to forget that and go back to what really excites me. The abstract worlds watercolours are fun and I needed that little segue way but I really, really love playing with textures.

These pictures are from a work in progress. I’ve painted over an old canvas that had really bad oil paint splotches when I was trying to get some thickness and textures into my paintings.

(Using more oil paint doesn’t work)

At least not for me.

This one is part of my “state of being alphabet” series which I started in 2013. When I got back into painting it was, and still is a series where I don’t need to conform to a style or theme, I just play.

This one is for the letter T and is going to be something that I haven’t tried before. I’m going to leave some of this black texture under painting visible and be super minimal with the colours and application of the oil paint otherwise.

Fingers crossed as things don’t always go the way I intend it …


Getting through a creative block


Abstract Worlds number three and thoughts about artistic style