Getting through a creative block

I don’t have a lot of time to paint because I still have a full time job and other hobbies.

So when I paint sometimes it doesn’t feel inspiring, it feels rushed most of the times. Like I could or should be doing other things.

It doesn’t help that I need to do paintings in stages; the first texture layer is fun but it needs at least a week to dry. So then I get sidetracked and lose a little bit of momentum.

Unfortunately I don’t have a magic answer for you to help you through your creative block but for me I really have to push my mind to get back into the mind-frame of what to do next. I think about the next stage in the process and what colours I want to use. Then I literally have to force myself to sit down at the desk to just look at the work. Not immediate action but just to be present in the area of the painting and that I only need to do a little bit today.

Slow progress is still progress.

There are so many voices out there in the world, so many amazing paintings and artists and processes that I feel lost most of the time. But I will keep slowly producing art that makes me happy and one day I hope that can make someone else happy.

Do you have any tips for creative blocks?

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